The Huf ECU have been driving the side sliding doors of various cars from the Volkswagen Group for years. The success story began in 2004 with the VW T5 and continued across all bulli generations. The new VW T7 can be also equipped with the electronic control unit for power sliding doors. Additional advantage: the Huf kick sensor. In addition to the tailgate, the power sliding side doors can also be opened with a light kick and thus hands-free.
Huf electronic control units comply with AUTOSAR and ISO 26262
“One piece of feedback that we often receive is that doors with our control units open and close extremely smoothly. For a product that operates unseen, that is the most readily apparent benefit,” says Stefan Neuhoff, lead developer of these highly sought-after control units from Huf. “Our control units also fulfill global standards and meet the toughest safety requirements.”