Worker in front of paint cabin in a paint shop with green car door handles.

Sustainability at Huf: Automotive supplier drives resource preservation with environmental campaign

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The goal is clear, the course has been set: Automotive supplier Huf will be climate-neutral by 2030 at the latest. Sustainability has long been a key issue at Huf, and the entire company is already consistently geared towards CO2 reduction. The step-by-step reduction of energy consumption is an essential element for this – in addition to the significant increase in the share of renewable energies. With the environmental campaign "It's your turn!", Huf is taking sustainability to the next level.

Text: Manuel Dohr

Stagnating gas supplies, looming bottlenecks in the power supply and constantly rising prices – more than ever, energy is a precious commodity. But what can be done about the specter that is currently hovering over Europe and beyond? Experts agree that effective energy-saving measures are one powerful tool for overcoming the energy crisis. With its current environmental campaign, Huf is making a further contribution to save natural resources. The motto for even more sustainability: "It's your turn!" – and everyone at Huf can join in.

Sustainability and the careful use of natural resources have long been firmly anchored in the Huf corporate values, and the automotive supplier can already point to impressive successes. Among those setting the course are Plant Directors at Huf sites around the world together with the global team of “Industrial Performance Managers” led by Marcin Talaga. Together with the teams, they analyzed potential energy savings at all global sites of the automotive supplier. They identified measures to save resources and successfully implemented them together with those responsible on site.

Sustainability thanks to "green" painting processes

A prime example is the paint shop at Huf Polska. Here alone, the automotive supplier was able to noticeably reduce the consumption of natural resources thanks to a whole package of measures. The painting process is made even more efficient and economical by an intelligent control system for demand-based switching of pumps for mixing and circulating paints.

green CO2 footprint

Huf is committed to sustainable environmental protection: The company has set the goal of being CO2-neutral by 2030 at the latest. Every one can and should make their contribution. The new energy-saving campaign explains how.

The same applies to the switching of the dry burners in the heating chambers of the ultra-modern paint shop: the system only ramps up when the chamber is filled with a certain number of painting racks. This noticeably reduces gas consumption. Another important set screw: Thanks to a variety of optimizations to the compressed air system, Huf has significantly reduced power consumption here as well.

Numerous other Huf sites have implemented a wide range of energy-saving measures. The result: both the company's energy consumption and CO2 emissions decreased.

"It's your turn!": Everyone can save energy

The current environmental campaign is encouraging all Huf employees to take the "green" path towards CO2 neutrality. Three simple but very effective rules help to effectively save energy in everyday life and to avoid wasting other precious resources: "turn it off", "turn it down" and "turn things for the better". With this trio of tips, everyone can become an effective energy saver in no time at all!

Sustainability has long been a key issue at Huf, and the entire company is already consistently geared towards CO2 reduction.

It's so simple: turn off the PC screen completely after work, turn off the lights in the office during the day, turn down the heating a little in winter, keep doors closed in summer when the air conditioning is on, ventilate at regular intervals… There are many small set screws that each individual can turn and which, when added up, make large savings possible. And by the way, this makes it fairly easy to set an effective example of sustainability not only in the company, but also at home.

Poster Huf sustainability and energy saving campaign, hand turning a thermostat

Prominently placed: the posters for the energy saving campaign reminding everyone at all locations how to save energy with three simple measures.

Automotive supplier Huf defies the energy crisis

An intranet page with top tips for saving energy, prominently placed posters at all Huf locations worldwide, plus other activities within the company's suggestion scheme all encourage people to take part. In this way, Huf is defying the energy crisis with targeted measures for even greater sustainability.

One thing is certain: If everyone does their part to save energy, we can at least stand up to the specter and protect the environment at the same time. With this in mind: Let's turn things for the better!

Solar panel, trees, blue sky

Using the power of the sun to achieve even greater sustainability: Huf already relies on renewable energies at its sites worldwide.

Huf plant in Atibaia, Portugal with solar panels, bird view

Thousands of solar panels supply "green" energy on the roofs of the Huf factory building and the parking lot in Tondela, Portugal.

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